
Twitter for Freelance Designers

For several years I didn't bother using Twitter. Bow blogging that I loved, but Twitter... I just didn't get it. A couple of years ago I decided to have another go and read a couple of books and watched some Twitter tutorials and I started to see what all the fuss was about. Twitter can be a freelancers way of making an introduction to people they want to get to know.

So how can Twitter help you?

Now the first thing most Freelancers are probably thinking is to get more clients. While this is a big part of it, I think there are many more, but let's start there anyway.

Can Twitter help you get more clients?

Follow people you want to work with/for
I think the answer is yes, but instead of thinking of Twitter as a big promotional tool perhaps it should be considered more of a way of introducing yourself in a more subtle way. Twitter allows you to follow anyone, so you could start following companies that you would like to work for. Then you can stat joining in their twitter conversations, answering questions they pose, retweeting their tweets etc etc (Not Selling). If you maintain regular Twitter contact with them, with any luck they will check out who you are, follow you back and who knows what will happen from there. As well as the standard Twitter search also check out Twellow.

I have got work through Twitter
Personally I have got work through Twitter, one through someone I regularly tweeted with and actually hadn't even considered they may give me freelance work. I have also indirectly got freelance work through Twitter by finding and following someone, and then asking if they would be interviewed for my blog on Skype. After that we met in person through another Twitter friend and since then she has given me some freelance work.

Setting up twitter searches for your freelance niche
Twitter also allows you to set up searches (I use Tweetdeck for this), so you can keep an eye out if anyone is looking for the type of freelance work you offer. For example a little while ago a friend of mine was looking for a freelance copywriter, I said I would put a Tweet out for him through my twitter accounts. Within half an hour I had people recommending people and some suggesting themselves. Some of these people weren't even following me, so they must have either had searches set up for the term "copywriter" or alternatively my tweet was reweeted by someone they were following. To cut a long story short, my friend ended up with about 10 copywriters to choose from and ended up using one of them.

Getting advice
If you are a freelancer working alone it's great to know that at the end of a Tweet there may be someone who can answer a question for you or offer advice. Perhaps you are having computer or software problems or just aren't quite sure how to do things then put a Tweet out.

Need recommendations for products or services
If you are looking for something such as a product or service what better way to find one than asking your Twitter followers. Of course as with anything you have to do you awn due diligence.

Making Friends
If you work in a big office there is never a shortage of conversation, but that is not always the case for freelancers especially if you work from home. Want to share a story, something you are working on or just pass the time you can do this on Twitter.

Finding other freelancers to collaborate with
Who is to know what can happen with the people you meet on Twitter. Find someone you have a lot in common with and you can always take the conversation to email, Skype or even meeting up in person.

Other posts worth reading on the web

How to Really Use Twitter to Find More Freelance Work
5 Ways Not to Use Twitter
8 Easy Ways to Network on Twitter

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