
Don't Freelance if...

Freelancing has treated me very well. I've been able to make some decent money while doing something that I love to do. However, freelancing isn't for everyone; here is a list of reasons why you'd want to avoid it

You Don't have a Passion for it
It's critical that you have a passion for your work. For example, if you're a blogger you'll quickly run out of material without a true passion or niche to write about. Running a blog is hard work even when you love it, but it's nearly impossible when you don't.

You'll increase your chances of success when you love and believe in the work that you do. Your passion will be clearly seen in the work that you produce, and other people will take notice.

You're just in it for the money
Have you ever seen a blog with so many ads that there is no more white space? Blogs like that make their message clear: "'m in it for the money." Their purpose isn't to help their niche, nor to polish their skills, but it's to make money. Unfortunately, these people miss out on what is really important as a blogger: faithful readers that not only comment and create interesting discussions on your blog, but also value you and what you offer them. Freelancing isn't a get rich quick scam, it's hard working, dedicated people that love what they do, not the money it can make them.

You're a Procrastinator
If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done -Unknown Author
I know that there are a lot of people that identify with this quote. If you're a procrastinator, you'll find out that freelancing is difficult. Freelancers are supposed to manage their own schedule. However, "procrastinator" means you are unable to do so. How do you solve this? Simple, make a schedule and stick to it. Remember, time is money and most of us don't have much of either.

Final Thoughts
Freelancing can be very rewarding, but you have to do it with the correct motivation. I hope this article is useful to you and that it helps you become a better freelancer.

What are your thoughts? What are your biggest challenges as a freelancer?

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